本文以掺食法递增安定剂量由0.25%、0.5%至0.75%,喂食56 d,形成小鼠身体依赖性模型,进食安定的剂量高达2000 mg·kg^(-1)·d^(-1),戒断后10 h出现一系列的戒断症状,在饮食减少同时伴有体重的下降,二者与未戒断组相比均有显著性差异,而饮水量在戒断后反有增加.戒断后电惊厥率明显上升,以戒断后12 b为最显著达70%.喂食安定7 d组,戒断时亦可见轻度戒断症状,但电惊厥率与对照组相比无显著性差异.
An experimental model of physical dependence on diazepam in mice was established by drug-admixed food (DAF) method. After 56 days of diazepam administration, the consumption of the drug reached as high as 2000 mg·kg^(-1)·d^(-1)at the end of medication period. 10 hours after withdrawal of diazepam, a series of abstinence syndromes occurred, the ingestion of food decreased concomitant with loss of body weight, which showed significant difference when compared with non-withdrawal group. Water intake increased after drug withdrawal. The electric convulsion rate increased significantly and reached the peak value (70%)at the time of 12 hours after drug withdrawal. Mice in the group of 7 days administration of diazepam showed weak abstinence syndromes after cessation of drug administration, and there was no significant difference in electric convulsion rate when compared with the control group.
physical dependence
drug-admixed food method
natural withdrawal