目的 探讨脾脏脓肿的CT表现及鉴别诊断。方法 8例经CT检查并脾切除或脾穿刺病理证实。单发性 5例 ,多发性 3例。结果 脾脓肿CT表现如下 :CT平扫示所有病灶表现为单或多个低密度囊或囊实性病灶(2 0~ 40Hu) ,其中 1例病灶含气体 ,2例有肝硬化、脾肿大 ,3例有胰腺炎 ,1例有脾周围炎及少量腹水 ;脾内多个低密度病灶 3例。 1例伴有结例囊壁较光整 ,1例囊壁部分不光整。结论 脾脓肿CT表现有一定特征性 。
Object To study the features of CT,splenic abscess and differential diagnosis.Materials and methods The CT fingings were retrospectively reviewed in eight cases of splenic abscess which were confirmed with pathology after splenectomy or aspiration.There were 3 men and 5 women cases 5 cases had a single lesion and 3 cases had multiple lesions in spleen.Results The features of CT of the eight cases' splenic abscess were as follows:1.Plan CT scan showed that all the abscess appeared as low density (20~40hu) cystlike lesion with (1 case) or without (7 cases)gas at CT scan,all of them with some complications,(3 cases of pancreatitis,2 cases of hepatocirrhosis,1 case of lung tuberculosis,1 case of subacute endocardotitis and big speen,1 case of splenic trauma)2.After enhancement the center of the lesions had non-enhance-appearance but around the lesion there were thick wall,the cyst wall of 7 case was smooth,only 1 case irregular.Conclusion There are some special features in the CT findinge of splenic abscess,CT provides much diagnostic vaules of the splenic abscess and can acquire correct diagnosis by connecting with clinic data,but special attention should be paid to the different diagnosis.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Suzhou