通过对可乐宁与美沙酮不同戒毒效能的比较及可乐宁对于不同等级戒断症状戒毒效能的研究,可以看出可乐宁对于海洛因成瘾者的戒毒治疗是一种有效的方法。它对于各级别戒断症状都有明显的作用。由于可乐宁本身不具成瘾性,所以它是一种值得推广的戒毒治疗药物。其应用剂量以1 mg·d^(-1)左右为宜,个别戒断症状较严重的病例可将剂量提高到1.5 mg·d^(-1),或于戒毒治疗第1,2 d分别给于阿片片剂100 mg和50 mg,以提高戒断症状缓解速度。当可乐宁服用较大剂量时应加强护理,随时观察血压和脉搏的变化。避免突然直立而引起的直立性虚脱。在用药的前3 d,嗜睡、头晕、乏力等症状比较突出,但随剂量逐渐减少,这些症状也随之缓解。可乐宁戒毒治疗的突出不良反应是低血压,虽加用较小剂量三环类抗抑郁药和中药生脉饮,但尚未能得到满意效果,对此在今后的工作中需进一步进行研究并加以解决,以提高戒毒者耐受能力,使可乐宁戒毒治疗方法更加完善。
A systematic study was carried out for evaluating the clinical efficacy and applicability of clonidine in the treatment of opiate addiction. Results showed that clonidine was effective in the treatment of heroin addiction. A comparison of clinical efficacy of clonidine with methadone in the treatment of opiate addiction was also carried out. Results showed that clonidine was as effective as methadone in the detoxification of heroin addiction. Abstinence syndromes of different grades of severity were improved significantly by clonidine. The appropriate dosage was 1 mg·d^(-1) and can be increased up to 1.5 mg·d^(-1) in cases with severe abstinence syndromes. The relief of abstinence syndromes sped up when 100 mg and 50 mg of opium tablet were added during the first and second day of the treatment respectively. It was pointed out that absence of dependence potential is the advantage of clonidine when used for opiate detoxification. The most evident adverse drug reaction of clonidine was the lowering of blood pressure. A few cases showed postural hypotension. Furthermore, drowsiness, dizziness and weakness appeared during the first three days of treatment which relieved gradually accompanying the reduction of doses.