Objective To analyze retrospectively the relationship between the properative serum albumin (Alb) level and clinical condition, Prognosis in gastric cancer patients.Method: 468 gastric cancer patients consisting of 328 males and 140 females under went gastrectomy in our surgery departrnent from 1989 to 1993 with the average age of 57. 7 years 16. 4 %. 54. 5 % and 29.1% of total patients belonged to early,advanced and late stage respectively. The average preopera tive serum albumin level reached 38. 32g/L and t he postoperative morbidity was 3. 9 %, with the mean hospital stay of 33.4 days. The five-ycar survival rate got to 45. 5 %. We analyzed the relationship between the albumin level intervals and sex,age, stage of tumor, complication rat, length of hospital stay, survival rate by Logistic regression. Result (1) the eartier the tumer stage, the closer the preoperative serum alburnin to the upper limit of normal value; (2) the younger the patient, the closer the preoperative serum albumin to the norrual value; (3) In the group with albumin level less than 35g/L, there were nearly one third female patients with the albumin less than 30g/L; (4) there lied a tend that the lower the preoperative albumin level, the higher the post operative morbidity, the longer the hospital stay and the worse the survival rate. However, the results were of no statistic significance.Conclusion: Although there are quite a few factors affecting the serum albumin level, the preoperative albumin level of gastric cancer patients reflects the tumor invasion to the organic metabolism to a certain degree. It may be of contribution to the clinical treatment and prognosis. It is necessary to improve or correct the existent hypoalbuminemia.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition