It is shown in this review that: (i) the hidden colour channels of any colour singlet quark-antiquark system can always be expressed in terms of the usual hadronic channels, any physics related to the hidden colour channel can always be explained in terms of the hadronic degree of freedom only; (ii) the spin-orbit forces between baryons resulted
from quark-gluon exchange and vector meson exchange are quite similar, therefore it is impossible to distinguish the quark-gluon exchange model from the vector meson exchange model by means of the hyper nuclei spin-orbit splitting; (iii) for the charge independent and symmetry broken interaction between baryons, the electro-magnetic effects are as important as those due to quark mass differences, any charge dependent interactions calculation should take both the electro-magnetic and guark mass difference effects into account; (iv) similar to the electron delocalization effects far QED, we conjectured possible existance of the quark deconfincment effects for QCD and studied its manifestations in the dibaryon systems.
Progress In Physics