For studing forensic clinical medical characteristics of ocu- lar injury in childhood.We studied 29 ocular injuring cases (age of victims within fifteen),sustained ocular mechanical trauma and litigation,desides,we selected groups:0~4 years of age,4~12 year of age and 12~15 years of age.The data were analysised by statistical methods.The ocular injuring forensic clinical medical characteristics in children revealing: (1)The children were younger than 4 years of age were rare, 4 to 15 are molt majority,Injurant is varied and constrution is often involved lens and other anterior segment in 4 to 12.In 12 to 15,the mint common injurant is first and food,the con- struction is lid,conjunctivtis and fundus.(2)Types of injury is correlated with injurer.Blunt force ocular injury was caused by adult(P<0.001),penetrating ocular injury was caused by children(P<0.001).(3)As compared with control group,all cases of ocular injury of children had higher climing damages(P<0.005)end more frequencies of seeking madical advice(P<0.001).The characteristics and some question about clinical medical jurisprudence were discussed.
Journal of Forensic Medicine