

An optimal algorithm of transmitting data in application grid
摘要 减少数据传输时间以提高计算效率是应用网格领域中一个重要研究课题.传统的数据传输优化方法由于以下两个原因而无法适应网格环境:(1)需要从多个数据服务器中选取一个最优者;(2)即使存在算法能够选择某一时刻的性能最优服务器,由于网格的动态特性,其传输结果也得不到保证.为提高计算效率,提出一种基于网格的动态数据并行传输方法,该算法能使传输任务按各服务器在各时刻的性能比例进行动态分配,提高数据传输速率和增强数据传输稳定性.本算法与其他算法在传输速度和稳定性上的实例比较显示,数据传输的稳定性和效率都有较大提高. It is very important to reduce the time of transmitting data for effective computations in application grids. Traditional optimal data-transferring method is difficult to adapt grid environment because of the following reasons: first, to design an algorithm for choosing the best server is difficult in complicated environment like grid; second, even though an algorithm can be chosen, the result may be still unsatisfied due to the dynamic character of grid. An optimized parallel algorithm is presented to solve this problem. Using this algorithm transmitting tasks can be distributed according to dynamic performance of every server. What′s more, this algorithm can improve the speed and stability of transmitting data in grid environments. All the virtues mentioned above can be verified by practical tests.
出处 《大连理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期438-442,共5页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology
基金 国家"973"计划资助项目(G1999032805) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10272030).
关键词 网格 数据传输 并行传输 镜像服务器 优化算法 grid data transmitting parallel mirror server
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