
感受中华民族文化精义与汉字独特启蒙功用 被引量:1

Experience the Chinese Cultural Essence and the Unique Enlightening Functions of Chinese Characters
摘要 中华民族的文化,是多义丰富的,是人天合一的,是似消极而实积极的一种精神力量。这种力量创造了我们民族的物质和精神的灿烂辉煌。论中华文化,尤以儒学为重点,常把礼乐、道德等视为核心问题。而对“三才”、“才”与“德”并重的思想特点,则较少关注。“三才”亦即天人合一的表现、表述。归一是中华哲理的一个特点,这个“一”就是古人最强调的“大一”,是宇宙最早的状态,义即最巨大的整体与统一。“三才”要各展其才智功能,合和为一体,化为万物———这就是中华民族文化的精神所在、所聚、所显、所现。若论汉字,当从“一”讲起,这个“一”,是民族文化的最根本,汉语文创造的最高智慧的表现形态。中华民族在汉字的创造上透露出民族哲思的高度智慧,而汉字是民族生存之大宝,绝不容随意破坏损伤。 Chinese culture is rich and of the combination of heaven and man. It is a kind of spiritual power that seems passive but active in effect. It is the spiritual power that creates Chinese material and spiritual splendors. Chinese culture stresses on the Confucian and takes ethical code and morality as its kernel, but pays less attention on 'the three talents' and the thinking of 'talent-morality balance'. 'The three talents' mean the expression of the combination of heaven and man. Returning to one is a characteristic of Chinese philosophy. This 'one' is the early state of the universe, meaning the largest unity. 'The three talents' imply developing talents and functions and combining everything into one——this is the spirit of Chinese culture. As for Chinese characters, they should begin from 'yi'(one), which is the most fundamental of Chinese culture and is the expression of Chinese culture in the highest form. The high intelligence and wisdom expressed in creating Chinese characters must not be spoiled at anyone's will.
作者 周汝昌
机构地区 中国艺术研究院
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第4期40-42,共3页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 中华民族文化 三才 太一 汉字启蒙功用 Chinese culture the three talents taiyi enlightening functions of Chinese characters
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  • 1杨伯峻.论语译注[M].北京:中华书局,1980..





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