
学龄前聋儿双语教学评估报告 被引量:5

The Evaluation Report on Bilingual Education for Deaf children at Preschool Children
摘要 双语教学是近年来欧美一些国家兴起的聋儿教育新模式 ,我国也进行了该种模式的实验。目前对一所聋儿康复中心的双语实验班教学进行了评估。该评估立足于健听儿童的评估标准 ,采用质性与量化分析相结合 ,非正式过程性评估以及情境化和多元化的评估方式 ,在教育活动、儿童发展水平、教师教学水平等方面与某聋儿教育机构中相同背景的口语训练聋儿进行了比较性评估。评估结果表明 ,双语教学促进了聋儿交流能力的提高 ;教学活动效果突出 ;能使聋儿发展水平接近同龄健听儿童 ;聋人家庭聋儿的发展超过同龄健听家庭的聋儿。 The bilingual approach in deaf education is a new teaching method for deaf children developed in the countries in Europe and America in recent years. The Amity Rehabilitation Center for Deaf Children in Nanjing (the Amity Center) has also set up its experimental bilingual projects and tried on this approach for the last 7 years. Recently the Amity’s bilingual project has received an external evaluation. The methods adopted in this evaluation were: quantitative and qualitative analysis combined; informal processing; situational and multi-evaluation approaches. With the comparison of the deaf children in the oral approach class in the Amity Center, the evaluation has assessed the areas of teaching activities, child development, teachers performance. This evaluation was done with the same angle of view and the same standards of development of hearing children. The results of this evaluation show that the bilingual approach has greatly improved the communication ability of deaf children; the bilingual teaching activities are with remarkable effectiveness, thus reflecting the modern philosophy of child education; the bilingual approach has enabled deaf children to reach the similar level of development as hearing children; the deaf children with deaf parents have developed better than the deaf children of the same age with hearing parents. The Amity’s bilingual project still has rooms to improve in the following areas. It should encourage more interactive and mutual communication among children in teaching activities; and it should provide more educational opportunities for parents.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期39-43,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 聋教育 学龄前聋儿 双语教学 聋人手语 教学评估报告 特殊教育 deaf education bilingual Approach in deaf education sign language evaluation report
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