

On Misty Aesthetics Wang Chuanshan's Ci<Poetary>
摘要 船山的诗论中没有明确提出朦胧美,但他讲求言外之意的含蓄美,重视情景交融、妙合无垠的整体美,在创作实践中必然会产生具有朦胧美的词作。这些写景、咏物、抒情、言志的词,其主要特点是:一、能充分调动多样化的表现手段,如比兴、比拟、象征等手法以及灵活用典表达其含蓄隐蔽的言外之意,旨外之意,加深了词的朦胧意蕴;二、词中的意象组合虚实相生、时空交错,构成若明若暗恍怳迷离的情景交融意境。 Wang Chuanshan does not stress the exercise of misty aesthetics in his poetary theory. Yet, for the purpose of concord integrity, he pursues superb allusive implication, values the happy blend with feelings and setting. This volition of course practically results in misty-aesthetics-embedded ci works. Therefore his nature, emotion and ambition oriented poetary enioys common points: one, efficient employment of vavious devices (like comparison, analogy, symbolic and literary quotation) for allusive conveyance; two, the actual and visionary image-blend with time-space alterative leads to hazy literary settings.
作者 周念先
出处 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2005年第2期46-50,共5页 Journal of Hengyang Normal University
关键词 船山词 朦胧美 船山诗论的导向 Chuanshan's Ci misty aesthetics Chuanshan's poems
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  • 1王船山诗文集下册[C].北京:中华书局,2000.
  • 2朱东润.中国历代文论集[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,1979.
  • 3唐圭障.词话丛编[C].北京:中华书局,1986.
  • 4肖箑父等.王夫之评传[M].南京:南京大学出版社,2003.
  • 5王时居.模糊美学[M].北京:中国文联出版社,1992.
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