目的 :本研究的目的是评价常规骨闪烁显像图呈“过度暴光”的患者99mTc(V)DMSA显像图的分布 ,并解释99mTc(V)DMSA在鉴别潜在病因中的价值。方法 :常规骨闪烁显像呈“过度暴光”征像的 12例患者 (7例骨转移癌和 5例代谢性疾病 )被纳入研究对象。所有病例都需有放射学和生物化学检查资料。99mTc(V)MDP全身显像 5~ 7d后 ,再行99mTc(V)DMSA全身显像表现为弥漫性骨摄取增加 ,另 1例99mTc(V)DMSA显像呈正常分布。结果 :所有代谢性疾病的患者99mTc(V)DMSA显像均有明显骨摄取增加。结论 :骨转移癌和代谢性骨疾病在常规骨显像图上呈“过度暴光”表现的患者99mTc(V)DMSA显像证实有骨摄取增高。因而在常规骨显像图上不能肯定或者怀疑有“过度暴光”征像者 ,99mTc(V)DMSA显像可能对评价“过度暴光”的存在与否起着重要作用。
Purpose:This study evaluated the biodistribution of TC 99m(V)DMSA in patients with superscans on bone imaging and defined its role in differentiating the underlying cause.Methods:12 patients(7 with metastatic and 5 with metabolic bone disease) with calssical superscans were entered into the study.All patients had the necessary radiologic and biochemical studies and final diagnosis was reached accordingly.TC 99m(V)DMSA scintigraphy was performed 5-7 days after TC 99m-MDP whole-body bone imaging.Results:In 6 of 7 patients with widespread skeletal metastatic,TV-99m(V)DMSA scan showed diffusely increased bone uptake.in the remaining patint,the Tc 99m(V)DMSA sean showed a normal distribution pattern.In the All patients with metablic bone disease had increased bone uptake on TC-99m(V)DMSA scans.Conclusion:TC-99m(V)DMSA showed increased bone uptake in patients having a superscan appearance in metastatic or metabolic bone disease,TC-99m(V)DMSA imaging may pllay a role in the evaluation of patients with equivocal bone scan finding for a superscan.
Journal of North Sichuan Medical College