Objectives To detact the protactive action of nitric oxide (NO) donors on ischemic myocardium. Methods Twenty canines with lasting ligation of left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) werc divided into two groups. nitroglycerin in the group I (n=10) and 5 0 o glucose solution in the group ll (n=10) were administered intravenously after I_AD occlusion. The level of the plasme NO was measured in some time points before and after LAD were ligated in two group canines. After two day all dog hearts were taken out to measure the infarct size by triphenyltetrazolium (TTC) staining. Results After LAD were ligated the levels of the NO were lower than those before I_AD ligated in all dogs. In group II they were lower and the area of myocardial infarction was signif, cantly increase than those in group I . Con- clusions The level of plasme NO is decrease after canines coronary artery occlusion and it is related to the size of infarction. The NO donors can increase the level of the plasme NO and decrease the infarction area.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery