
转基因产品对蜜蜂和熊蜂的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Transgenic Produces on Honeybees and Bumblebees
摘要 随着更多的转基因农作物商业化,人们需要更多的信息以了解它对蜜蜂和熊蜂的影响。如果转基因在花粉、花蜜或树脂中得到表达,那么转基因编码所表达的蛋白被蜜蜂吸收后,会对蜜蜂产生直接影响;如果改变了花的表现型,将会对蜜蜂产生间接影响。讨论了Bt、蛋白酶抑制剂、几丁质酶、葡萄糖酶和生物素结合蛋白基因等对蜜蜂的影响。迄今为止的结果表明转基因植物对授粉者的影响将依赖于所涉及基因的个案分析以及被蜜蜂吸收植物的基因表达情况。 As more transgenic crop plants become commercialized, there is an increasing need for information on their impacts on honey bees(Apis mellifera)and bumblebees(Bombus sp.). Direct effects on bees may arise upon ingestion of proteins encoded by transgenes, if they are expressed in pollen, nectar or resin. Indirect effects on bees may arise if transgenes transform flowers` phenomena. Bt, protease inhibitor, chitinase, ratory with individual adult bees and with colonies are presented. Results so far suggest that transgenic plant impacts on the parts of the plant ingested by bees.
作者 张兰 李建科
出处 《中国养蜂》 2005年第6期7-9,共3页 Apiculture of China
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