This paper presented some philosophic viewpoints of the Theory of BMKI (The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration), a new exploration in BioMedica l Informatics. It discussed an evolutional relation from propositional calculus, predicate calculus, through framework, to neural network.. The differences in e xclusivity and other natures were explored for physical systems(the real world), quasi-physical systems(the copies of the real world) and mental systems(the abs tracts of the real world). Based on their behaviours in cognitive sciences and k nowledge engineering, the new concepts quasi-infinity or -infinitesimal,potentia l knowledge,dynamic knowledge were introduced. This paper has also described so called "big-or" space which is the base of scientific understanding or associati on. Furthermore the paper put forward the viewpoint that "reasoning only can imp lement in an axiomatic space" and then outlined the building processes of such k ind of space. At last so called "beacon-and-compass strategy" in BMKI was introd uced.
This paper presented some philosophic viewpoints of the Theory of BMKI (The Theory of Biomedical Knowledge Integration), a new exploration in BioMedica l Informatics. It discussed an evolutional relation from propositional calculus, predicate calculus, through framework, to neural network.. The differences in e xclusivity and other natures were explored for physical systems(the real world), quasi-physical systems(the copies of the real world) and mental systems(the abs tracts of the real world). Based on their behaviours in cognitive sciences and k nowledge engineering, the new concepts quasi-infinity or -infinitesimal,potentia l knowledge,dynamic knowledge were introduced. This paper has also described so called 'big-or' space which is the base of scientific understanding or associati on. Furthermore the paper put forward the viewpoint that 'reasoning only can imp lement in an axiomatic space' and then outlined the building processes of such k ind of space. At last so called 'beacon-and-compass strategy' in BMKI was introd uced.
biomedical Informatics
biomedical knowledge integration
artificial intelligence of biomedicine