Objective To take assessment of the incidence of cardiovascular sys tem complication to 57 patients with OSAS dated to do Uvulopalatopharyngopl asty(UPPP). Methods Investigation were taken both from 57 patient′s files and interview with patients on the day before the operative day.24 hour bloo d pressure monitoring and polysomnography simultaneously recording were used for blood pressure and sleep analysia, other date were gotten from the history of disease, standard eletrocardiogram biochemicallaboratiory test. Results The i ncidence of high blood pressure and coronary artery disease in 57 patients wi th OSAS were 75.44% and 14.04%, the abnormal rate of electrocardiogram was 40. 35%, all the events rate of cardiovascular system complication was 78.95%.Th e more severe of the OSAS, the higher of events rate. Conclusion The incidence of cardiovascular system complications was higher in patients with OSAS who dat ed to take selected UPPP compared with the same age group in general population .We must take serious assessment of their cardiovascular system complications to reduce the morbidity perioperatively .
obstructive sleep apnea sysdrom(0SAS)
high blood pressure
coronary artery disease