The surgical trunk and its relationship with right and left tributaries of S. M. V. were investigated on 100 adult cadavers. The result shows that the drainage Patterns of the right tributaries of S. M. Y. may be classified as 3 types, in which the common trunks were 75% of cases.Among those the Henle's trunk was observed in 67%. This trunk drains to the upper segment of S. M. V. in 37%. Tbere were also 3 types of drainage in the left tributaries, in which the bifurcated patterns were 59%. The surgical trunks were found in 99 % of cases, this length varies from the patterns of the right tributaries of S. M. V. and its average length was 30. 8±1.0mm. Its diameter vares from the patterns of the left tributaries of S. M. Y. and the average diameter was about 10mm. Besides, the relationship of the surgical trunk and its neighbouring structures was also investigated. According to the Holyoke's prindple, the surgical trunk which suited to the mesencaval chunt operation was 30% of cases.
Journal of Zunyi Medical University
superior mesenteric vein
surgical trunk
mesencaval shunt