
关于停止使用“同翅目Homoptera”目名的建议 被引量:68

A proposal to stop using the insect order name “Homoptera”.
摘要 长期以来,在我国昆虫学界,“同翅目Homoptera”和半翅目Hemiptera一直被作为2个并列的昆虫目被广泛使用。传统的“同翅目”被分为3亚目1 0总科,即鞘喙亚目Coleorrhyncha(包括膜翅蝽总科Peloridioidea)、胸喙亚目Sternorrhyncha(包括木虱总科Psylloidea、粉虱总科Aleyrodoidea、蚧总科Coccoidea和蚜总科Aphidoidea)和头喙亚目Auchenorrhyncha [包括蜡蝉子亚目Fulgoromorpha(包括蜡蝉总科Fulgoroidea)和蝉子亚目Cicadomorpha(包括蝉总科Cicadoidea、沫蝉总科Cercopoidea、叶蝉总科Cicadelloidea和角蝉总科Membracoidea) ]。近年来,形态学及分子学特征数据的支序分析研究表明,木虱总科、粉虱总科、蚧总科、蚜总科、蜡蝉总科、蝉总科、沫蝉总科、角蝉总科都是单系群;鞘喙亚目、胸喙亚目、蝉子亚目及蜡蝉子亚目也都是单系群,其相互之间的系统发育关系为胸喙亚目+(蝉子亚目+(蜡蝉子亚目+(鞘喙亚目+异翅亚目(蝽类) ) ) ) ,它们共同组成了单系的半翅目Hemiptera。系统发育分析表明,在半翅目中,鞘喙亚目与异翅亚目具有最近的亲缘关系,蜡蝉子亚目与鞘喙亚目+异翅亚目是姊妹群,蝉子亚目是蜡蝉子亚目+(鞘喙亚目+异翅亚目)的姐妹群,胸喙亚目是半翅目中最早和最原始的一个分枝。因此传统的“同翅目”并不是一个自然的? The advent of cladistics and its wide use has greatly improved our knowledge of many higher taxa in biota and many artificial (non-monophyletic) taxa have been recognized. The insect order “Homoptera” is one of those non-monophyletic groups recognized in recent years. More and more morphological and molecular evidence has indicated that the traditional “Homoptera” is not a natural group but is paraphyletic relative to the Hemiptera. However, many Chinese entomologists are not aware of this development and the order name “Homoptera” together with its concept is still widely used in many Chinese entomological literatures such as textbooks, faunal work, taxonomic monographs, dissertations, and various scientific papers. The present author then make an appeal to the Chinese entomologists, proposing to stop using the insect order name “Homoptera” and to use the monophyletic ordinal name Hemiptera to include the true bugs and what were previously known as the 'homopterans', including the psyllids (Psylloidea), whiteflies (Aleyrodoidea), aphids (Aphidoidea), scale insects (Coccoidea), cicadas (Cicadoidea), spittlebugs or froghoppers (Cercopoidea), leafhoppers (Membracoidea), treehoppers (Membracoidea) and planthoppers (Fulgoroidea).
作者 梁爱萍
出处 《昆虫知识》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期332-337,共6页 Entomological Knowledge
基金 中国科学院"百人计划"项目(项目编号:A2903077) 国家自然科学基金项目(批号:30370187) 国家基础科学人才培养基金(NSFCJ0030092)资助。
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