
跳水运动员颈椎病特点初步探讨 被引量:1

The Primary Study of Characteristics of Cervical Spondylosis in Divers
摘要 目的:通过对跳水运动员颈椎病的调查,并测试模拟跳水运动员入水时的颈部受力情况,从中发现其发病特点,从而提出切实有效的防治方法。方法:对广东省46名专业跳水运动员和30名中学生进行颈椎病的病史采集及物理检查,对颈椎病可疑对象拍摄颈椎X光;对带有压力测试仪的50公斤重、160厘米高的木制模拟人进行高台跳水的模拟试验。结果:跳水运动员、中学生颈椎病患病率分别为71. 7%和26. 6%。运动员中女性患病率与男性无明显差异(P>0. 05 )。年龄分布: 11 -16岁、16 -20岁、20岁以上的患病率分别为72%、77. 8%和83. 3%。各组间差异性显著(P<0. 05)。训练年限: 1 -3年、3 -5年、5 -10年和10年以上的患病率分别为33. 3%、71. 4%、81. 8%和91. 4%。各组间差异性显著(P<0. 05)。X光检查多表现为颈椎生理曲线改变、钩椎关节增生、环枢关节紊乱。压力测试仪显示木头人在3米、5米、7米、10米跳台垂直自由落体入水后颈部的压力(平均值)分别为12、18、18、20公斤力,与水面成70度角自由落体入水后颈部的压力分别为67、110、165、230公斤力,以及手与颈部成20度角时身体垂直入水后颈部的压力分别为120、150、245、422公斤力。结论:颈椎病是跳水运动员的常见伤病,患病率随年龄和训练年限增长而升高。 Objective:To investigate the etiology of cervical spondylosis by simulation using 60 kg-weighted and 160 cm-heighted wooden model to measure the axial pressure when diving in different heights and different postures at the moment of entering into the water to find out the prevention and therapic methods to the athletic cervical spondylosis. Methods: the cervical problems of 46 divers and 30 middle school students were studied by history of the diseases, physical examinations and X-ray films taken in some of the suspected cases. A wooden model was used to measure the axial pressure which had been stated as previous paragraph. Results: The morbidity of the divers was 71.7%, much higher than that of the students’.(P<0.01). There was no difference between the female and male. (P>0.05). The morbidity of different ages was varied, 11-16 years old was 72%,16-20 years old was 77.8% and over 20 years old was 83.3%(P<0.05).The morbidity of training years was increased significantly, 33.3%(1-3 years),71.4%(3-5years),81%(5-10 years) and 91.4%(over 10 years) respectively(P<0.05).The main x-ray findings were① physiological cervical curve changes ②hyperplasia of Luschka joint ③disorder of the atlantoaxial joint. The results of the modify wooden model’s experiment shows the axial pressure from the height 3m,5m,7m and 10 meters dive entering the water are ①vertically were 12±4,18±5,18±6 and 20±9 KgF respectively. ②diving 75 degree to the water surface are 7±16,110±23,165±29 and 230±36 KgF respectively. ③when the hand and the neck’s angle was 20 degree,but the body was vertical entering into the water, the pressure were 120±25,150±22,245±29 and 422±44 respectively. Conclusion: The cervical spondylosis is very frequent in diving sports. The increase of morbidity according to the increase of ages and training years. The most important point for the divers to prevent the disease is the accurate dive technique when entering into the water.
机构地区 广东体育医院
出处 《广州医学院学报》 2005年第1期30-32,51,共4页 Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College
关键词 跳水运动员 颈椎病 力学实验 divers cervical spondylosis mechanical experiment
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