目的 增进对鼻窦各种解剖变异的识别能力,提高鼻窦内镜手术对鼻窦炎的疗效,降低并发症。资料与方法 对2 0 0例受检者行鼻窦CT扫描,对鼻窦的各种解剖变异进行评估。结果 统计了鼻窦各种解剖变异的出现率。结论 CT检查有助于鼻窦内镜手术方案的制订,不仅可以评估病变,而且还可检出与鼻窦炎发生相关和增加手术危险性的解剖变异。
Objective To enhance the capability of recognizing various anatomical variants of paranasal sinuses, and to improve curative effects of endoscopic operation on sinustits and prevent operative complication.Materials and Methods 200 consecutive patients were examined by CT to evaluate various anatomical variants of paranasal sinuses. Results The incidence of the various variants were investigated (Table 1).Conclusion Computed tomography plays a vital role in planning endoscopic sinus surgery. It is used not only to analyze the pattern of disease and to detect anatomic variants that may predispose the patient to sinusitis, but also depict anatomic variants that could make the surgery more hazardous.
Journal of Clinical Radiology