Chen Yun took over the financial and economic responsibility when the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region suffered serious shortages because the Kuomintang blockade and growth of production became the key link in all the work of the whole area but, on the other hand, there was a tendency for some people within the Party to despise economic and technical work. From Yan'an to the Northeast Chen Yun scored great achievements in finance and economy. His successes were in part attributable to the effective methods he employed. He always upheld the principle: “Don't automatically accept what a superior says, don't automatically accept what a book says and accept only reality, exchange views, compare, and before concluding go over the situation again and again.” He paid particular attention to investigation and research and viewed the situation from a strategic perspective. He always urged to advance prudently and steadily. The successful application, enrichment and development of these methods when he was in charge of the national economic work enabled him to achieve miraculous feats once and again.
CPC History Studies