在全球航运市场运力紧缺、运价攀升等因素的推动 下,2004年国际船舶市场延续了2003年罕见的造船热潮,新船订造依然高度活跃,船舶价格继续大幅攀升。据中国船舶工业经济研究中心预测,2005年我国造船业还将继续快速增长,造船产量将超过1000万载重吨,在国际市场上的份额将达17%左右。形势喜人,我国已圈定渤海湾、长江口及珠江口为三大造船基地,沿海各省纷纷上马造船项目。在这股造船浪潮中,船舶界专家深表忧虑却三缄其口。那么,谁来为我们的造船热泼冷水?
According to a forecast from the economy and research center ofChina's shipbuilding industry, China's shipbuilding willcontinue to increase at high speed, and the shipbuilding output will exceed 10 million dwt, taking up a 17% share of the international market. The Bohai Bay, the Yangtse River delta and the Pearl River delta have been pinned as the three large shipbuilding bases by the Chinese government, and the coastal provinces are wining up shipbuilding projects one afteranother. In this wave ofshipbuilding, experts are much concerned, but reluctant to harp on a discordant tune. Then, who is to pour the cold water on the shipbuilding heat?
China Ship Survey