
牙种植体挤压植入后早期骨界面的组织学变化 被引量:7

Early bone formation of endosseous dental implants inserted in compressed alveolar bed of miniature swine
摘要 目的:了解种植体挤压植入后界面骨的早期组织学变化。方法:18颗Compress种植体挤压植入3头小型猪的下颌骨中,在植入4小时、3天、7天处死动物,切割含种植体的下颌骨,制作HE染色的脱钙骨组织切片,光镜观察。结果:3天时髓腔内大量纤维样间充质细胞增生,并部分替代凝血块,7天时在间充质细胞中及骨切割面有新骨形成。结论:种植体挤压植入后的骨结合一周内已开始形成。 Objective: To observe the early bone formation of endosseous implants in compressed alveolar bed of minia? ture swine. Methods: 18 implants were compressedly inserted into the mandable of 3 miniature swine. After 4 hours,3 days and 7 days, the animals were killed and implants were removed. The implant bed were decalcified and stained with HE. Results: After 3 days the coagulum were apparently replaced by mesenchymal cells which surrounded vascular structures.After 7 days the new woven bone were found in the mesenchymal cells and the surface of the cutting bone. Conclusion: The ossiointegration of implants placed in compressed bone had been formed within 1 week.
出处 《中华老年口腔医学杂志》 2005年第2期113-114,90,共3页 Chinese Journal of Geriatric Dentistry
关键词 种植体 骨挤压 小型猪 组织学变化 dental implants bone condention miniature swine
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