

UK Clinical Pathology Accreditation:The Medical Laboratory's Revision and Content
摘要 描述了新修改的医学实验室标准,其由英国临床病理学认可有限公司(CPA)制定。原标准自1992年来一直在使用,并且得到了承认并需要进一步的修改。由CPA成立了标准修改小组,这一小组采用了几个国际标准作为参考资料,这样制订的新的标准与最近的国际标准参考资料具有相容性。为客观地对医学实验室作出评价,CPA计划在英国于2003年引入这些标准,随后与专业机构进行更深入的合作,选择实验室开始试行,并对评审人员进行培训。本标准将有助于我国实施临床实验室认可。 This article describes a new set of revised standards for the medical laboratory,which have been produced by Clinical Pathology Accreditation(UK)Ltd(CPA).The original standards have been in use since 1992 and it was recognised that extensive revision was required.A standards revision group was established by CPA and this group used several international standards as source references.So that the resulting new standards are compatible with the most recent international reference sources.To make the assessment of medical laboratories as objective as possible,CPA plans to introduce these standards in the UK in 2003 following extensive consultation with professional bodies,pilotion in selected laboratories,and training of assessors.The standards is useful for implementing of accreditation of clinical laboratory in China.
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2005年第5期62-64,共3页 Chinese Hospital Management
关键词 认可 实验室 病理学 accreditation,laboratory,pathology
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