
物流资源网格环境中资源集成框架的研究 被引量:12

Research on resource integration framework of logistics resource grid
摘要 针对物流应用的特点,提出了面向网格服务架构的物流资源网格,并基于Globus Toolkit和开放网格服务架构-数据访问与集成,构建了物流资源网格环境中的资源集成框架(包括资源调度使能服务和一些分布、自治的资源域),将第三方物流公司组成虚拟的物流企业联盟。为了对不同企业的物流资源信息进行管理,资源域提供了域控制代理服务、资源管理服务等网格服务,或者将企业遗留系统封装为网格服务。在资源域的基础上,资源调度使能服务(包括资源匹配服务、资源分配服务和资源监控服务)实现了虚拟企业联盟中的物流资源信息共享及优化调度。 In accordance with the characteristics of logistics application, the logistics resource grid was proposed for Grid Service Architecture. Furthermore, a resource integration framework of logistics resource grid was constructed based on Globus Toolkit and Open Grid Services Architecture - Data Access and Integration (OGSA-DAI). Through this grid service-oriented architecture, third party logistics companies formed virtual logistics enterprise alliance. The resource integration framework consisted of resource dispatch-enabled services (including resource match service, resource allocation service, and resource monitor service) and some distributed, autonomous resource domains. To manage the logistics information in different third party logistics companies, a resource domain provided grid services, including domain control agent service, resource management service, user management service, etc., or encapsulated the legacy systems as grid services. Based on resource domains, logistics information sharing and dispatching optimization were implemented with resource dispatch-enabled services in virtual logistics enterprise alliance.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期630-635,共6页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家863/CIMS主题资助项目(2003AA414330)。~~
关键词 网格计算 面向服务的体系结构 物流资源网格 资源集成框架 资源域 grid computing service-oriented architecture logistics resource grid resource integration framework resource domain
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