
城市化与中国城市土地利用结构的相关分析 被引量:82

Relationship between Urbanization and Urban Land Use Structure Change in China
摘要 在我国城市化过程中,伴随有城市土地利用结构的变化,它们之间有何关系?本文在分析了当前我国城市化发展状况及城市土地利用结构所存在的问题的基础上,通过对城市化水平和城市土地利用结构建立多元线性回归模型,得出它们之间的线性关系,认为随着城市化水平的提高,城市用地中居住用地是随之增加的,工业用地、仓储用地及对外交通用地则是随之减少,而且随着城市化的发展,公共设施用地也在不断增加,它同居住生活用地同时随城市规模与人口的增加而增加。从国际城市化发展规律看,城市化率达到30%以上就进入了高速发展时期,而我国到2000年城市化率就已达到36 2%,由此可以得出我国目前城市化处在中期发展水平,在以后进入高级城市化发展水平过程中,必须向着集约利用城市土地的方向发展,从扩大城市规模向提高城市综合质量转变。同时根据对未来城市化的预测,再根据前述回归模型预测出我国在未来20年内的城市土地利用结构的变化趋势,由此提出盘活城市存量土地,加快土地市场化步伐、合理调整城市用地结构,优化土地配置,改善城市综合环境、挖掘城市用地潜力,适当提高城市土地容积率,积极利用多维空间的政策性建议。 Along with the urbanization process in China, the urban land use structure has changed greatly. However, the interactive relationship between urbanization and urban land use is still open-ended. On the basis of the analysis on the urbanization situation currently, the main problems concerning urban land utilization structure in China are as follows: the first, the extending of city scale is too big, the leave unused land in urban is too much; the second, the urban utilization structure is not reasonable, proportion of industry land is too big, traffic land, green-land proportion is too small; the third, the general planning of land utilization and the city general planning are not reasonable, and assort with the development of economy and society in urban; finally, the intensive utilization degree is low, the city land cubage rate is also low, this article draws to the conclusion of linear relation between them through setting up plural linear regression model between urbanization and urban land utilization structure: the residence land and the commonality establishment land increase linearly along with urbanization development, but the industry land, the storage land and the external traffic land decrease linearly along with urbanization development.. Hereby the author proposes the scientific forecast of urban land utilization development direction in the future:In the course urbanization development quickly, the habitation land and the commonality establishment land will increase gradually, but the industry land, the storage land and the external traffic land will decrease gradually, the urban land utilization structure will develop to reasonable direction. At the same time, the author makes a quantificational forecast according to the forecast about urbanization level in 2005,2010,2015,2020 by some experts and scholars. Therefore, some policy suggestions of high-efficient use of urban land are put forward as the following: the first, make the leaving land in city active, quicken the development of land market, promote urban land utilization structure to rationalization; the second, adjust urban land utilization structure reasonably, optimize land collocation, improve general condition of city; the third, strengthen control effect on the city general distribution and its development direction through the general planning of land utilization and city general planning, improve city distribution and structure; finally, dig up interior potential of urban land, increase urban land cubage rate properly, utilize multidimensional space actively.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期73-78,共6页 Resources Science
基金 国家社科基金项目"耕地保护的体制与政策研究"(编号:04BZZ035)。
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