该文利用计算机库存中的 RND(X)函数,产生白噪声信号,通过设置滤波器的传递函数,从频域、幅值域等效角度出发,模拟任意给定的随机载荷,作为实验室台架模拟的激励载荷。分析了该方法的实用性,阐述了零相位数字递归滤波器的设计方法、计算机程序设计步骤。通过将正弦信号、白噪声信号输入滤波器,获得给定功率谱密度之输出信号的试验,证明了零相位数字递归滤波器设计的正确性。
This paper presents the principle and practice of simulation any gi-ven random road data for guzile engine in engine test cell.As an inputthe white noize signals can be generalized with the help of the stan-dard random function RND(X)in Basic Language.Going through the di-gital filter with the preset transfer function an approximated random series of load data can be expected adequately in freguency and ampli-tude domain in relation to the real field test condition.There are varie ty of technigue available for choosing the coefficients to meet certain specification on the filter.A concept of zero phase digital filter with the least square error is introduced,the coefficients are determined to run a series of Basie programs.In conclusion the evaluating results with the sinusoidal and white noise inputs are illustrated.
white noise signal
digital filter
random series
method of generation
Laboratory application