在乌兹别克斯坦与独联体国家关系中俄罗斯处于首位 ,而且在乌对外战略中俄罗斯也处于特殊地位。因为从国家安全利益、国内稳定、历史上形成的密切的经济联系来看 ,乌兹别克斯坦都离不开俄罗斯。为了保住自己柔软的“南腹部” ,俄罗斯也日益重视与乌开展政治、经济、军事等方面的合作。
Russia is the principle in the relationship between Uzbekistan and Commonwealth of Independent States,and it is also in the special place in foreign strategy of Uzbekistan.Uzbekistan must rely on Russia in security and stability of nation, and trade. To defend its weak south area, Russia attaches importance to cooperate with Uzbekistan in politics, economic and military affairs.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering:Social Science