中国 2 0世纪的文学 ,在发生发展的历程中遇到了现代文化多元性的冲击与制导 ,显示了空前未有的多重矛盾。就此中的作家构成社会类型性 ,在创作思想上对社会人生、民族大众的责任性的认识 ,以及体现为创作方法上的对现实表现的原则、态度提出几点思考 ,以期对 2 1世纪的中国文学的发展辨识出一些历史经验。
The Chinese literature on 20 century has met influence from its developing course and expressed many contradictions. Puts forward some thoughts about the type of writer, thinking on human life, the principle on writing method, and attitude to give some experience for 21st century′s Chinese literature.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering:Social Science