在对部分高校创造学课及创造教育现状调查的基础上 ,分析了目前高校创造学课及创造教育的特点及存在的问题。结合创造教育实践 ,高校实施创造教育的模式应重视创造教育 ,规范创造学课 ;应将开课模式与学科渗透模式有机地结合起来 ;培养一支富有创新素质的教师队伍。
On the base of investigation on the creation programs and creation education in some universities and colleges, analyses the characteristics and questions of the creation programs and creation education at present. combining with practice puts forward the pattern of creation education should be pay importance to creation education and model programs; creation education ;Combing With the practice,puts forward the pattern to implement creation education is paying importace into creation education,modeling creation programs;cobing the program model with subject organically;building teacher term with high creative quality.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering:Social Science