
分布式异构环境下SDAI系统的设计与实现 被引量:4

Design and Implementation of SDAI for a Distributed Heterogeneous Environment
摘要 针对分布式异构环境下的产品数据访问需求,提出一种基于Client Server体系结构的SDAIC迟联编系统系统由数据字典、界面层、对象管理和数据库访问等模块组成 其中,数据字典以计算机可理解的形式保存EX PRESS模式信息;在它的支持下,界面层与对象管理模块共同实现了STEP数据的远程并发访问和实时事务处理,并为STEP数据视图提供了接口;数据库访问模块完成具体的数据库操作,对其他模块屏蔽不同DBMS的差异 系统已成功地应用于集成化CAD CAPP CAM系统GS To facilitate the access to product data in a distributed heterogeneous environment, we designed a SDAI C late binding system with Client?Server architecture. The system is comprised of a data dictionary, an interface layer, an object management subsystem and a database abstract layer. The data dictionary maintains the information of EXPRESS schemas in a computer manageable manner. With its support, the interface layer and the object management subsystem can cooperate with each other to implement remote and concurrent access to STEP data, real-time transaction management, as well as the interface to STEP data views. The database abstract layer is responsible for performing all operations on underlying databases and hiding the differences between various DBMS's from other subsystems. The prototype has been applied to distributed data access in GS-ICCC, an integrated CAD、CAPP、CAM system.
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期1085-1091,共7页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60273056)
关键词 分布式数据访问 SDAI CLIENT/SERVER体系结构 distributed data access SDAI Client/Server architecture
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