
前列环素在超声心动图检测冠状动脉反应性充血扩张中作用的实验研究 被引量:1

Role of prostacyclin in echocardiographic evaluation of epicardial coronary vasodilation induced by reactive hyperemia in dogs
摘要 目的 评价前列环素在超声心动图检测冠状动脉反应性充血扩张中的作用。方法 健康成年杂种犬10 条。应用超声心动图仪重点检测股静脉内注射环氧化酶抑制剂吲哚美辛以抑制前列环素合成前后反应性充血试验诱发的冠状动脉左前降支内径的百分变化率。结果 静脉内注射吲哚美辛后,反应性充血试验诱发的冠状动脉左前降支内径的百分变化率[(8.53±2.26)%]较注射吲哚美辛前[(12.77±1.76)%]明显减低(P<0.01)。结论 超声心动图观察到的血流介导性冠状动脉内径的变化与内皮来源的扩血管物质前列环素有关。 Objective To determine whether prostacyclin (PGI_2) plays a role in the echocardiographic evaluation of the flow-dependent epicardial coronary vasodilation induced by reactive hyperemia (RH). Methods In 10 instrumented dogs, the changes of internal diameter of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LADd) were investigated before and after RH under the condition with and without blockade of PGI_2 formation by intravenous injection of Indomethacin. LADd was measured using echocardiography. The percent change of LADd was calculated. Results Before intravenous injection of Indomethacin, LADd increased significantly from (2.20±0.16) mm to (2.48±0.17) mm ( P <0.001) after RH, and the percent change of LADd was (12.77±1.76)%. After intravenous injection of Indomethacin, LADd did not change significantly ( P >0.05) when compared with that before intravenous injection of Indomethacin. However, the percent change of LADd induced by RH with intravenous injection of Indomethacin was dramatically lower than that without intravenous injection of Indomethacin [(8.53±2.26)% vs (12.77±1.76)%, P <0.01)]. Conclusion The flow-dependent dilation of the left anterior descending coronary artery detected by echocardiography is associated with endothelium-derived PGI_2. Echocardiography can be used for assessment of coronary endothelial function.
出处 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期681-683,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(30270560)。
关键词 内皮 冠状动脉 反应性充血试验 超声心动描记术 前列环素 Endothelium, coronary artery Reactive hyperemia Echocardiography Prostacyclin
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