allergosis cases
were selected Among hem 86 were allergic asthma, 88 anaphy-lactid rhinitis , 25 allergic
urticaria and, some cases of anaphylactic rhinitis accompanied by al-ergic asthma .And 135
cases were male and 95 female.Patients in the 17- year group weremost easily affected
(120/230, 52.2%). The inhalant examinations of allergic asthma and anap-hylactic rhinitis
group showed that the positive rates of skin test weey 42-56% and 47.14-64.29%respecti ely
the primary allergens of urticaria were dust, dermatophagoides pterouyss nus, D.farinae and
poly valent mold in theinhalation group and food group. The total efficiency rate
ofdesensitization & hyposensitization treatment was 91.03% in asthma, 94.29% in rhinitis
and84% in urticaria. The efficiency rate of triamcinolone acetomide group was 92.5g%.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School