
生长育肥猪可消化赖氨酸适宜需要量试验研究 被引量:7

Experimental Study on the Digestible Lysine Requirement of Growing-finishing Pigs
摘要 采用实用饲粮,研究不同赖氨酸补加水平对20~60kg,60~90kg长×撒杂交猪(48♂,48♀)生产性能、血液理化指标和胴体品质的影响.同时用3头回-直肠吻合术猪分别测定生长期(20~60kg)和育肥期(60~90kg)猪基础饲粮中氨基酸消化率.结果表明,在生长猪饲粮(实测赖氨酸0.523%)和育肥期饲粮(实测赖氨酸0.415%)中补加赖氨酸,使其总赖氨酸水平分别达到0.75%和0.565%时,显著改善试猪生长性能,提高饲料利用率,血清尿素氮、甘油三酯和极低密度脂蛋白变化显著,但不影响胴体品质.试猪基础饲粮回肠表观氨基酸消化率和真消化率测定结果分别为:生长猪(20~60kg):表观赖氨酸消化率80.7%,真赖氨酸消化率85.7%;育肥猪(60~90kg):75.4%,80.4%.综合饲养试验和赖氨酸消化率测定结果求得生长育肥猪表观和真可消化赖氨酸适宜需要量依次为:生长猪(20~60kg):0.649%,0.675%;育肥猪(60~90kg):0.463%,0.484%.若以回肠真可消化氨基酸为基础,采用Lys/DE表示,生长期(20~60kg):0.49g/MJ DE,0.51g/MJ DE;育肥期(60~90kg):0.35g/DE,0.36g/DE.此时,其赖氨酸:含硫氨基酸:苏氨酸:色氨酸模式分别为:100:60:65:18;100:65:71:21. Ninety-six (48, 48) two-line crossbred (Yorkshire Saba), 2060 kg and 6090 kg pigs were used to evaluate the effects of different dietary lysine supplemental levels on performance, blood physiological-biochemical index and carcass quality. At the same time, three pigs with ileo-rectal anastomosis were used to evaluate the amino acid digestibility of basal diet. The results showed that 0.75% of dietary lysine of supplementation for growing pig (Lysine measured 0.523%) and 0.565% of for finishing pig (Lysine measured 0.415%), respectively, can improve markedly performance and feed availability, and change serum urea nitrogen, triglycerides and very low density lipoprotein, but not affect carcass quality. At the same time, apparent and real lysine digestibility of basal diet in ileum is 80.7% and 85.7% for growing pig (2060 kg), 75.4% and 80.4% for fishing pig (6090 kg), respectively. Based on breeding experiments and determination of lysine digestibility, optimal requirements of apparent and real lysine were 0.649% and 0.675% for growing pig, respectively, optimal requirements of apparent and real lysine were 0.463% and 0.675% for finishing pig, respectively. Based on really digestible amino acid in ileum, employing by Lys/MJ DE system, 0.49 g/MJ DE and 0.51 g/MJ DE for growing pig, 0.35 g/MJ DE and 0.36 g/MJ DE for finishing pig, respectively. Pattern of Lysinesulphur-containing amino acidsthreoninetryptophan pattern was 100606518 for growing pig and 100657121 for finishing pig, respectively.
机构地区 云南农业大学
出处 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第3期405-409,共5页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University
基金 云南省自然科学基金重点资助项目(97C006Z)
关键词 可消化赖氨酸 需要量 回-直肠吻合术 氨基酸消化率 <Keyword>pig digestible amino acid requirement ileo-rectal anastomosis amino acid digestibility
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