
不同血细胞分析仪及其模式在大鼠白细胞分类计数中的比较研究 被引量:3

A contrast study of different automatic hematology analyzers under different modes of determination in white blood cell classification of rat
摘要 目的 探讨不同自动化血细胞分析仪及其不同模式在大鼠白细胞分类计数中的应用价值。方法 分别用CELL DYN3700全自动血细胞分析仪的人类和兽类检测模式、HMX全自动血细胞分析仪和KX 21血细胞分析仪对大鼠白细胞进行分类计数,并与显微镜油镜下分类计数的结果进行对照。结果 CELL DYN3700全自动血细胞分析仪兽类检测模式分类结果与显微镜镜检结果较为匹配,且具有一致的趋向性,其中与中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞和单核细胞的相关性分别为0. 912、0. 871和0. 901,散点图显示能较好的分类各类细胞,而用CELL DYN3700全自动血细胞分析仪人类检测模式、HMX全自动血细胞分析仪和KX 21血细胞分析仪检测的结果与显微镜镜检结果差异较大(P<0. 01),且相关性较差。结论 在进行动物血细胞分类计数实验研究时,选用具备相应动物模式的血细胞分析仪似更严谨。 Objective To investigate the application value of different automatic hematology analyzers under different modes of determination in white blood cell (WBC) classification of rat. Methods WBC classification of rat was analyzed by ABBOTT CELL-DYN3700 analyzer (using two modes of determination:patient mode and vet package),COULTER HMX analyzer and SYSMEX KX-21 analyzer,compared with microscopic classification. Results The results from CELL-DYN3700 analyzer under the vet package mode matched with that from microscopic classification,and the correlation coefficient γ values were 0.912 in neutrophil,0.871 in lymphocyte and 0.901 in monocyte,while the scatterplots determined the best separation of all various cells.But the results from CELL-DYN3700 analyzer of the patient mode,HMX analyzer and KX-21 analyzer all showed significant difference from that of microscopic classification (P<(0.001)). Conclusions Using hematology analyzers with the corresponding animal mode gives more precise results in the experimental study of rat WBC classification.
出处 《检验医学》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第3期201-203,共3页 Laboratory Medicine
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