OBJECTIVE To review the clinicalmanifestations of isolat ed sphenoid sinusdiseases. METHODS The symptoms,signs,imaging data,diagnoses and outcomes of 18 cases with isolated sphenoid sinus diseases hospitalized were analyzed retrospectively.in the Second Affiliated Hospitaof Fujian Medical University from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 2003RESULTS The chief complaints of the patients includedheadache(16 cases),hypopsia and / or diplopia(8cases),ache of eyeball(2 cases),blood in nasadischarge(2 cases),exophthalmus and fixation oeyebal l(1 case),purulent nasal dischar ge(1case). The Ⅱ or Ⅵ cranial nerves were involved in 8cases. The Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ and Ⅵ cranial nerves were in-volved in 1 of those 8 cases. Only 4 patients showedsigns of posterior sinusitis in rhinologic examinationCT and / or MRI revealed 10 cases with isolatedsphenoiditis. There were 3 cases with sphenoid sinumucocele, 2 cases with fungal sphenoiditis,1 case withnasal cerebrospinal fluid leakage, 1 case with adenoidcystic carcinoma of the sphenoid sinus,1 case withsphenoid sinus osteoma. CONCLUSION Non-nasamanifestations(e.g. headache or hypopsia)can bethe first or unique symptom of the isolated sphenoiddiseases. Isolated sphenoid diseases should be considered in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of headache or visual loss. Usually, no evident nasal manifestations presented. CT and MRI are the best tools indiagnosis of isolated sphenoid diseases.
Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery