本文对饶宗颐有关史学正统论研究的意义、方法、依据、学术创新以及个人在正统观上的理念作了全面的探讨 ,对饶氏提出五德终始说“实当起于子思”而非邹衍等全新见解作了揭示 ,并钩稽了掩藏于考证形式之下饶氏对于正统观的态度和理念 ,发现他赞同方孝孺一派“重正不重统” ,以道德、正义为标准的正统观念 ,其目的在于籍此构建一种永恒的道德———正义的历史评判机制。另一方面 ,本文也指出饶氏在对待正统观的态度上过于强调华夷之辨 ,有时也不免模糊了其自身确定的价值取向。
This article comprehensively discussed Rao Zongyi’s research on historical orthodox idea, including the significance, the method, the historical data, the academic innovation that Rao Zongyi contributed to the field. It was a new viewpoint for Rao Zongyi who proved the theory of Wudeshizhong was Zisi’s, but not Zou Yan’s, and approved of Fang Xiaoru’s viewpoint that stressing justice but not legitimacy, taking moral and just as a standard of orthodox ideas to construct the eternal moral and just historical judgment mechanism. The author also pointed out that Rao overemphasized China and other nation’s distinguishing in the treatment legitimate view manner, sometimes also unavoidably blurred his own value orientation.
Historiography Bimonthly