改革开放以来,虽然工业部门产出在不断地增长,但这种增长的背后却存在增长效率下降的问题。为了解释这一现象,本文提出了三个假定。基于1 963—2 0 0 3年数据的统计检验结果表明,改革开放前后影响工业部门资本效率的因素是存在显著差异的,而改革开放以来的利润率下滑主要可以归因于:工业部门技术选择的偏差、厂商的数量增加以及投入品价格的上涨。
In the last two decades, the growth efficiency had taken on a declined trend, while the total output was increasing in industry section. In this artic le, we proposed three assumptions to explain this phenomenon. The statistics stu dies which is based on the data of 1963—2003 suggests that: the factors that af fect ed the capital profit rate have changed between the two different periods. The d e scent of capital profit rate in the period of economic reform can be attributed to: the deviation of technology option, the increased of firms and the ascent of input-material price.
Economic Research Journal