The role of a W estern conductor has been undergoing a process oftransfiguration in the sequence of “both this and that”,“from this tothat”and then“either this or that”.Its core lies in the evolution from thetraditional,the m odern to the post-m odern,with m ore inclination of theincreasing post-m odern elem ents.In other words,it is a process fromaesthetics to anti-aesthetics,from order to disorder,from form s to anti-form s,from certainty to uncertainty,from structure to destructure,fromworks in“result”to those in“process”,from aesthetic distance to live ex-ultance,from elite culture to vulgar culture,from bicultural confrontationto pluralistic coexistence,etc.These are all reflections of W estern pro-fessional m usic m akers on the post-industrial society.They contain suchconcepts as “subjective dissolution”of hum an beings,“subjective disinte-gration”,and“elim ination of disparity”between art and life.Aesthetically,they are of both the positive significance of constant renovation and thenegative significance of aesthetic losses.Fortunately, post-m odernismfavours pluralism in which traditional aestheticism also finds its properplace.In fact,it is not that all the com posers are creating post-m odernworks.In the tim es of post-m odernism ,traditions and m odernism are stilluttering their own voices.The sam e is the im age of a conductor who re-m ains the“m essenger of beauty”in m ost perform ances.To us,post-m odernconductors perform with m ore im portant significance of enlightenm ent,which encourages,at least in theory,our continuous pursuit and inspiresour im agination and creativity,so as to m ake us think of all the issuesin philosophy,aesthetics,sociology,natural sciences and psychology thatpost-m odernists have raised.A sim ple denial is easy,but reflection is ofm ore im portance.The author of this article wishes to arouse the read-ers’speculation on the “dim ension”of contem porary m usic phenom enaand future m usic developm ent from the“focal point”of the changing roleof a conductor.
Peoples Music