Architectural and functional features of a self-adaptive flight control system with self-repair function for aircraft with thrust vector are discussed. The on-line controller design is conducted using the RHO optimal algorithm, the on-line flight parameter identification is implemented using the MSLS algorithm, and a FDI algorithm is developed using global parity space method, sensor data fusion and probability theory. Also, a simulation platform is developed using the OOP language VC++6.0 and three-dimentional graphics language Open GL. A real-time reconfiguration demonstration of the flight control system in occurren of control surface failures is run on the simulation platform and shows problems of in-flight control surface damage and aerodynamic parameter variation can be addressed by the self-adaptive flight control system.The real time simulation suggests that failure loading can be conducted, as required,on the simulation platform and the platform provides real time simulation capabilities for adaptive flight control systems for aircraft with thrust vector.
Aircraft Design