

Explicating the Dao (Way) by Yi: A study of GUO Yong’s view on the history of the Yi-ology
摘要 郭雍是兼山学派的代表人物,学术思想属于程门支流。郭雍秉承义理解易之风,推崇二程、张载而又自成一家。郭雍反对象数派的《河图》《洛书》衍生大易的观点。他认为《易》为圣人明道之书。到了春秋时期,大道不行,卜筮成为主流。《易》为包羲、文王、周公、孔子四圣人所作。对“道、象、数”的关系,郭雍提出了自己的看法。郭雍还认为汉代以来,象数之学附会于《易》,圣人之道熄灭无传。直到程颢、程颐、张载三先生发挥易理精奥,圣人之道才得以重现。郭雍的父亲郭忠孝是程颐的学生,郭雍作《郭氏传家易说》的目的就是继承程颐和其父的解《易》传统,阐明圣人之道也。 GUO Yong was a representative of the School of Jian shan and his thought was attributed to a branch of CHENG’s School. Succeeding the style of the philosophical school, GUO Yong admires CHENG’s brothers and ZHANG Zai’s Yi-ology and was unique in his own thought. He opposes the view of the image-number school of that the Yi was originated from the He (Yellow River) tu (Diagram) and Luo (River) shu (Chart), but holds that Yi is a book by which the sages reveals the Dao (Way, principles). Till the Spring and Autumn Period, the Dao could not be carried out fluently and then divination turned out to be the main stream. In his opinion, the four sages of Bao Xi, King Wen of Zhou, Duke of Zhou, and Confucius completed the book of Yi. For the relationship between the Dao, images, and numbers, GUO raised his own view. He also holds that as the image-numberology drew forced analogy in interpreting Yi since the Han Dynasty, the sages’ Dao was extinguished. Not until CHENG Hao, CHENG Yi, and ZHANG Zai who expanded the profound connotations of the Yi did the Dao reappear. His father, GUO Zhong-xiao, was one of CHENG Yi’s disciples. The purpose for GUO Yong to write the Commentaries on Yi Handed down in GUO’s Family was to succeed CHENG Yi and his father’s tradition in interpreting Yi to expound the sages’Dao.
作者 孙劲松
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期63-71,共9页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 郭雍 以《易》明“道” 易学史 GUO Yong explicating the Dao by Yi the history of the Yi studies
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