
庞德的“意象”概念辨析与评价 被引量:22

An Analysis of and Comment on Pound’s Concept of “Image”
摘要 庞德关于“意象”(Image)的第一次“定义”只是描述了意象的某种功能:即能够引起人们的某种智性和情感的心理反应。庞德关于“意象”的第二次和第三次定义强调“意象”由多个“意念”(Ideas)组成,是动态和充满能量的。庞德为阐释其意象概念而创作的《地铁车站》,只是一个平庸的“标本诗”。通过对于庞德关于“意象”的三次阐述以及《地铁车站》的剖析,我们能够在某种程度上理解庞德的“意象”观,但是并不能够得到一个清晰的、完整的“意象”定义。 Pound's first definition of 'image' only describes a sort of function of 'image,' i.e. an image could arouse some intellectual and emotional response in the mind. Pound's second and third definitions of 'image' insist that an image is of more than one idea, being active and endowed with energy. Pound's 'In a Station of the Metro,' a famous poem embodying his understanding of image, is in fact not a beautiful one. Based on the analysis of all Pound's three definitions of image and his poem 'In a Station of the Metro,' this paper concludes that none of Pound's definitions of image offers a clear and complete definition, though we could more or less understand what Pound means by his definitions.
作者 黎志敏
机构地区 中山大学中文系
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期97-104,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 “意象” 庞德 概念辨析 评价 心理反应 定义 车站 地铁 情感 智性 创作 pound image definition complex idea specimen poem
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