胆石成因及防治系列研究表明,本地区胆石化学成份与国内其它地区有显著差异,胆石构成以胆固醇结石为主占80.71%,胆石发病部位以胆囊结石为主占75%。胆石中正常胆汁及致石胆汁中胆汁酸分析,游离和结合胆汁酸在不同类型结石及不同结石类型胆汁中含量具有明显差异,提示不同胆石类型成因不尽相同,而且证明了黑色胆石是不同于胆色素结石的另一类结石。用付立叶变换红外光谱测定的聚乙烯醇—石蜡连续切片技术为胆石成因的研究又提供了一直接观察胆石不同截面成份的简便方法。在黑石成因的研究中,首次提出了黑色胆石的付立叶变换红外光谱五型分类法。在胆石成因及防治的研究中发现,改变饮食成份可以诱发豚鼠胆石形成,而维生素C 具有防止胆石形成的作用。
The series studies on gallstone formation,treat-ment,and prevention demonstrated that the chemicalcomposition of gallstones in this area are significantly dif-ferent from those in other areas of this country.Cholesterol gallstone accounted for 80.71%,thegallbladder stone occurrence rate being 75%.The re-sults of the experiment of quantitative analysis of bileacids of gallstone,normal bile and lithogenic bile indi-cated that there were significant differences between differ-ent gallstone categories and different biles.Therefore,the mechanism of gallstone formation is different in dif-ferent gallstone categories.In addition,black stones,which are different from pigment gallstones,are of spe-cial type.The method to make the series sections ofgallstones by using Fourier Transform InfraredSpectroscopy(FT-IR)measurement provided anotherway to directly observe the components of differentcriss-sections of gallstones.In the research of blackgallstone,the five classifications of black gallstone withFT-IR were first proposed.The results of animal mod-el experiments showed that the component changing ofdiet,such as high cholesterol diet and low protein diet,could induce the gallstone formation in Guinea Pig andthat ascorbic acid(vitamine C)could prevent gallstoneformation.
Journal of Xi'an Medical University(Chinese)
mechanism of gllstone formation
bile acid
black stone
cross-section of gallstone
fourier transform infrared spectroscopy