
养老金担保与政府或有风险管理 被引量:6

Pension Guarantees and Government Contingent Risk Management
摘要 对强制性供款基准制养老金计划提供担保,是许多国家的通行作法,这导致了政府或有负债的产生。本文从政府或有风险管理的视角,探讨了养老金担保的政策目标、价值评估和风险管理等问题。 It is common for governments to offer pension guarantees in mandatory DC plans, which results in contingent liabilities for them. From the perspective of government contingent risk management, analysis is made on policy objectives, valuation, risk management strategy of pension guarantees and so on.
作者 吕伟 钟健
出处 《财经科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期97-103,共7页 Finance & Economics
关键词 风险管理 担保 政府或有负债 养老金计划 政策目标 价值评估 强制性 pension guarantee contingent liability contingent risk risk management
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  • 2Turner, John A., and David M. Rajnes. 2002."Relative Rate of Return Guarantees for Social Security Defined Contribution Plans: What do They Accomplish?" Discussion Paper PI-0202. The Pensions Institute. Birkbeck College. University of London.
  • 3Pennachi, George G 2002. "Pension Guarantees: A Methodology for Assessing Fiscal Risk." In Government at Risk: Contingent Liabilities and Fiscal Risk, Copublication of the World Bank and Oxford University Press.
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  • 6Pennachi, George G. 1999."The Value of Guarantees on Pension Fund Returns." The Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol. 66. No. 2.: 219-237.
  • 7Fischer, Klaus P. 1998."A Discrete Martingale Model of Pension Fund Guarantees in Colombia: Pricing and Market Effects." Working Paper. Université Laval, Quebec.
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  • 2Gillion,Colin,John Turner,Clive Bailey,and Denis Latulippe (editors).Social Security:Reform and Development.Geneva,Switzerland,International labour Office.,2000.
  • 3Mitchell,Olivia S.and Barreton,Flavio Ataliba."After Chile,What?Second-Round Social Security Reforms in Latin America.."Revista de Analisi Economico12(1997):3-36.
  • 4Turner,John A.and Rajnes, David M."Sharing Financial market Risk:Rate of Return Guarantees for Mandatory Defined Contribution Plans."International Social Security Review2001.
  • 5最低收益担保导致知利私人养老基金管理公司(Administradores de fondos de pensiones,AFPs)的投资组合趋同.1998年12家AFPs在股市上的投资组合(作为投资组合总资产的比例)的平均差为14.9%,标准差为1.18%;在债券和其它固定收益证券上的投资组合的平均差为82.03%,标准为2.95%.见L·Jacobo Rodriguez,"Chile's Private Pension System at 18:It's Current State and Future Challentges"1999,The Cato Project.
  • 6Mitchel,Olivia S.and Barreton,Flavio Ataliba."After Chile,What?Second-Round Social Security Reforms in Latin America.."Revista de Analisi Economico 12(1997):3-36.











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