
长江三峡库区崩滑体滑床形态的确定 被引量:1

The Shape Determination of Landslip Bed of Collapse Body for the Changjiang Three Gorges Reservior Area
摘要 长江三峡库区存在许多说滑体,按滑移形态和岩层倾角关系可分为水平──近水平坡、逆向坡、顺向坡和特殊坡4大类,每一类滑坡面水平距与高程之间相关性如何是本文研究重点,利用最小二乘法原理,经对29个不同类型滑坡统计分析,得出它们之间的相关曲线,并和实测资料进行了对比和显著性检验,其相关性非常显著,这对库区滑坡预警、预报、防治将有着很好的参考和使用价值。 There are many collapse-landslip body in the changjing three Gorges reservoir area. They were divided horizontal - near horizontal slope, Converse slope, slope in the same direction and special slope of all four types base on slide shape and rock stratum angle, Every type of slide had interrelated between horizontal distance and height will be studied Here, 29 slides of different types are analyzed by the least square method and interrelated curve of them is achieved. this curve is compared with observed data and the significance test is made. From these,We can conclude that they have very good interrelution. they will be referenced and used for announcing, forecasting, Curing fields of reservior area slide.
出处 《华北水利水电学院学报》 1994年第4期1-8,共8页 North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power
关键词 崩滑体 最小二乘法 显著性检验 三峡库区 滑坡 Collapse-landslip body The least square method The significance test interrelation.
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