The diversity, adaptation and memory of biological immune system attract much attention of researchers. Several optimal algorithms based on immune system have also been proposed up to now. The distance concentra- tion-based artificial immune algorithm (DCAIA) is proposed to overcome defects of the classical artificial immune al- gorithm (CAIA) in this paper. Compared with genetic algorithm (GA) and CAIA, DCAIA is good for solving the prob- lem of precocity,holding the diversity of antibody, and enhancing convergence rate.
The diversity, adaptation and memory of biological immune system attract much attention of researchers. Several optimal algorithms based on immune system have also been proposed up to now. The distance concentra- tion-based artificial immune algorithm (DCAIA) is proposed to overcome defects of the classical artificial immune al- gorithm (CAIA) in this paper. Compared with genetic algorithm (GA) and CAIA, DCAIA is good for solving the prob- lem of precocity,holding the diversity of antibody, and enhancing convergence rate.