Laparoscopic sterilization is currently a populary method of female sterilization aborad,but not in China. In order to clarify the safety, effectiveness and feasibility, we analysed 1 806 cnses oflaparoscopic sterilization performed in the Peking Union Medical College Hospital in the last l4 yeursfrom February 1979 to May 1993. The total cases were divided into two groups,the cases in the firstgroup were performed in the countryside(the village group),whereas those in the second group were ope-rated in the hospital(the city group).All operations were performed under local anasthesia and With asingle-incision in the umbilical region,among which Fallops ring was applied in 1 588 cases, Hulka clipin 126 cases,bipolar electric coagulation in 15 cases,and unipolar electric coagulation in 77 cases.There-actions,at the time of operation,abnormal findings in the operation and data of short term and over6-months long term follow-ups postoperative were analyzed.During the long term follow-ups, theeffact of laporoscopic sterilization on body weight,emotion,labor,menstruation and sexual life were in-vestigated. Postoperative abdominal pain,pregnancy due to sterilization failure or in case of accidentaldeath of the child,the possibility of recanalization and pregnancy were the main concerns investigated.With the analysis of the follow-up data,these concerns were relieved.The following points were dis-cussed in this paper:(1)the safety of laparocopic sterilization,(2) pregnancy due to failure of sterilization,(3) postoperative abdominaL pain,and(4) tubal reanastomosis after laparoscopic sterilization. In conclu-sion, in addition to the minilaparotomy of tubal ligation method,lapnroscopic sterilization is also a safe.effective, convenient and feasible new method,which could be popularized in a small country hospital.provided there are the facilities and the clinician can master the technique of laparoscopy.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine
Laparoscopic tubal sterilization Fallops ring Hulka clip Electric coagula-tion