
用基于快速排序的MOGA求解MOKP 被引量:1

Solving 0/1 Multi-objective Knapsack Problem by Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Based On Quick Sort
摘要 0/1背包问题是一类典型的组合优化问题,且属于NP完全问题.多目标遗传算法通过一次运行可以搜索到多个解,同时具有比规范遗传算法更强的求解问题的能力.该文将基于快速排序的多目标遗传算法应用于多目标0/1背包问题中,可以快速、高效地找出多个最优解.实验表明该方法能够获得满意的效果. The 0/1 knapsack problem is a well known combinatorial problem which is NP-Complete. As multi-objective genetic algorithm can find multiple solutions in a single simulation run and have stronger faculty to solve problem than CGA(Canonical Genetic Algorithm), we apply fast MOGA based on quick sort to knapsack problem and find out multiple optimal solutions faster and more efficiently. Experimental results show that the processing scheme generates desirable results.
出处 《湘潭大学自然科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期50-53,65,共5页 Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90104021) 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(01JJY2060)
关键词 多目标遗传算法 多目标优化 非支配集 0 l背包问题 Multi-objective genetic algorithm Multi-objective optimization Non-dominated set knapsack problem
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