
超越“人类中心主义”——对阿伦·奈斯深层生态学思想的反思 被引量:2

Transcending Anthropocentrism
摘要 与西方传统机械论世界观相比,阿伦·奈斯的生态思想重视生命体自我实现与内在价值的新学说,既是认识视角的转变,也是一种后现代世界观建构的尝试。尽管深层生态学倡导非人类中心主义,打破了价值论意义上人类在自然界中处于中心地位的传统理论,但实际上其自身仍未完全摆脱"人类中心主义"的羁绊。考察人与自然关系之根本目的是为了更好地使人类社会自身得到发展,故不应将二者在价值上刻意地进行主客体之界分,而应视之为一种和谐的同构体。循此思路,反思阿伦·奈斯深层生态学思想对和谐社会之构建将具有一定的启示意义。 The deterioration of ecological environment makes people resurvey the relation of human being and nature, then all kinds of ecology thought occur. Deep ecology based on Naess's thought is one of them. In contrast with western traditional mechanical ontology, the new doctrine that pays attention to life self-realization and intrinsic value is not only a conversion of visual angles but also a try for the construction of post-modernist outlook. Although deep ecology advocates non-anthropocentrism and breaks the traditional theory of anthropocentrism in nature in a view of axiology, but it does not get rid of the fetter of human-centralization. The author thinks that surveying the relation of human being and nature is to make society itself to develop, so it isn't correct to divide the subjective from the objective. The proper doing is making them as a kind of concordant construction. Following the view, to rethink Naess's deep ecology is instructive to construction of harmonious society.
作者 刘开淼
出处 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期18-21,共4页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 深层生态学 人类中心主义 和谐社会 deep ecology anthropocentrism harmonious society
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