描述了神螨属3新种,刺柏神蕊螨Agistemus juniperus sp.nov.青刚神蕊螨A.cy-cloblsnops sis sp.nov.黎川神蕊螨A.lichanen sis sp.nov.和中国1新记录种,泰国神蕊螨A.thaianus Eharaand Wongsiri,1984.
In this paper,three new species of the genus Agistemusaie described and Agistemus thaianus Ehara and Wongsiri 1984 is recorded for the first time from China. The specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology and Engineering ,Nanchang University.1 Agistemus juniperus sp. nov. (figs. 1-2)The new species is similar to A. grains Kuznetzov and Vainshtein 1977,but differs from the latter in the following characters: coaxe Ⅳ with 2 setae;femur Ⅳ with 2 setae;pgl and pg2 distinctly shorter.It also closely related to the species A, iburiensis Ehara (1985) ,but distinguished by femur Ⅳ with 2 setae and the ratio ae/ae-ae = l ,a/a-a=0. 6.Holotype: , Loushan Mountain (29°41'N, 115°41' E) , Jiangxi Province, 3Ⅶ-1988 (B. Shong) ,on Juniperus sp. Paratypes: 3 ,other data same as for holotype. Paratypes 2 , Wuyi Mountain (27°56'N , 117°48'E) , Jiangxi Province, 23-Ⅸ- 985 (S. Q. Hu) ,on Cryiomeris sp.2 A gistemus cy clobalanop sis sp. nov. (figs ,3-5)This new species can be distinguished readily from all other known species of Agistemus by having setae a,b and la in a pair of common plates and setae c and 1m in a pair of next common plates.Holotype ,1 nymph ,Lichuan (27°18'N , 116°54'E),Jiangxi Province, 27- X -1988(S. Q. Hu and P,H.Hou),on Cy clobalanop sis glauca Thunb. Paratypes 2 , on Disty lium sp. ,other data same as for holotype.3 A g istem us lichuanensis sp. nov. (figs. 6-8)The new species closely resembles A.arcypaurus Gonzalez-Rodriguez (1965) , but differs from the latter in the following characters: the diameter of postocular body 2. 7 time as long as eyes ,slightly longer than the distance between pg1 and pg2,and in shorter ratio ae/ae-ae and a/ a-a.Holotype: ,allotype ,paratypes 7 ,Lichuan,Jiangxi Province,27- X -1988 (S. Q. Hu and P. H. Hua) ,on Cy clobalanap sis glauca Thunb. Paratypes 3 1 ,on Distylium sp. ,otherdata same as for holotype.4 Ag islemus thaianus Ehara,1984New record from China.Specimens examined: 1 ,on Castanea mollissina B1. , 1 ,on Platsnaceae orientalis Linn. , Jingan(28°52' ,115°22'E) ,Jiangxi Province ,7-Ⅸ-1990(W. Huang).
Acta Arachnologica Sinica