记述真长须螨属Eustig maeus Berlese 1新种:通什真长须螨,新种Eustig maeus long shiensissp.nov.
The present paper deals with a new species of the genus Euslig maeus Berles collected from lichen. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Environmental and Resources Bio logy,Fudan University,Shanghai. Eusligmaeus tong shiensis sp. nov. (figs. 1 - 5)This new species is similar to Led ermuelleria manapouriensis Wood 1965,but differs from the latter in the following characters: (1) propodosomal plate with ornamentation only in anterior margin but not so in L.manapouriensis. (2)Among the setae of propodonnomal plate be is the longerst but in L.manapouriensis ce is the longest. (3) The radio be/ce = 2.5 but in L. manapoartensis be/ce = l. 2. (4)With three pairs of paragenital setae but in L. manapouTiensis withtwo pairs. (5)Dorsal setae without distal sheath but with distal sheath in L. manapouriensis.Holotype , Tongshi (18. 7°N, 109. 5°E ), Hainan Province, 10. Ⅳ. 1984, allotype and paratype 2 ,same as holotype.
Acta Arachnologica Sinica